Here's another recipe from FMTV. Simple is sometimes best! A vegan stir-fry thrown into the weekly meal routine is a great way to use up leftover vegetables and up your daily fiber intake. Enough for 2 small meals or 1 big meal.
Ingredients: (use organic ingredients where possible)
(As this cooks so fast, always prepare all ingredients beforehand)
Not used enough Bok Choy is actually a type of Chinese cabbage. It's a part of the cruciferous vegetable group and is dense in vitamins and minerals. The vitamins C & A found in bok choy act as antioxidants and protect cell membranes from free radical damage. Ginger is a nutritional powerhouse and is both medicinal and aromatic. Ginger fights against sickness, reduces inflammation and minimizes the spread of infection. Go here to print this recipe: recipe_veggie_stir-fry_and_rice.docx |